Salzburger Adventsingen | © Salzburger Adventsingen im Großen Festspielhaus Salzburger Adventsingen | © Salzburger Adventsingen im Großen Festspielhaus
© Salzburger Adventsingen im Großen Festspielhaus
Don't be afraid.
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09 December 2022 · Großes Festpielhaus Salzburg

Salzburger Adventsingen

This Salzburg Advent Singing Anniversary takes us back mentally to the time around Christ's birth, where we write the year as 3760 according to the Jewish calendar. On the outskirts of Bethlehem, shepherds keep their sheep in the midst of Cypress and Olive groves. The area is considered consecrated and sacred. Here, graze only sheep that are intended for a sacrificial ritual in the temple. Rabbi Jacob, who lives with the shepherds, tells of a promise made by the prophet Isaiah, who said, “Don’t be afraid...”!

A ten day march away from Bethlehem, two Jewish women are immersed in a conversation in Nazareth at the same time. The faithful widow Anna tells her beautiful daughter and temple virgin Mary that she and Joachim were denied the blessings of children for a long time. Because of the great shame, Joachim desperately retreated to the desert to repent. After 40 days, his prayers were answered. An angel appeared to each of them independently and delivered glad tidings, beginning with the words: “Don’t be afraid...”!

These two events are accompanied by music and singing at the start of this new Advent Singing. We go back to the time when people like Rabbi Jacob, the widow Anna, the temple virgin Mary, her kinswoman Elisabeth, the carpenter Joseph or the shepherds all orientated themselves as faithful Jews according to the Tanach. In the context of our Christian traditions, this Advent Singing will be a fascinating imaginary journey into the life and faith of our older Jewish brothers and sisters, from whom Christ was born.

A Salzburg Advent Singing with new ways of thinking, which also in our turbulent times carry within them the persistent power of hope for peace among all people. And this, together with compositions by Shane Woodborne, with music by Tobi Reiser and numerous vocal and folk music treasures from our Alpine culture.

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